September 12th @ 10 PM CST
City of Manchester Stadium
Manchester, England
Joe Carroll had his 3 masked assailants attack Maverick in his hotel room, then caused more and more chaos for him later. He has tried to play mind games with Maverick... will they have an affect? Can Maverick overcome the odds of Carroll's henchmen that will surely be at ringside? Will Maverick make Carrol feel the glass? Can Carrol make his mark?
Note: This is a new special match. Window Panes will be everywhere... on the outside of the ring. It is a NO DQ match. The winner of this match will face Chaos Kid for the 3rd tier Championship... should that title ever become re-introduced. (Chaos Kid vacated the Ironman title, so he'd automatically get dibs for any 3rd tier belt.) |
Sebastian Steele still doesn't have his mask, but there's no doubt he'll be getting it back from Barratt soon. Barratt has been distracted a great degree lately, but their paths will for sure collide. Can Steele bring himself to win without his mask? Danny Ray looks to make his 2nd appearance in ICW in the ring at least. Dylan Black will get a Shooting Star title shot on Spectacle, but who will it be against? Stetson? Barratt? Then Don White is back this week to cause havoc and maybe set his foot forward in ICW after losing a lose tag match 2 weeks ago for the tag team titles.
Note: This is a windshield match. Lucas Rieter has put his 1981 Camaro up for grabs. It is awesome and in great shape. Whoever puts another person into the windshield 1st will win the matchup... and the Camaro! Gauge match, winner will get a small push in the near future once contenderships shake out. |
Duke Kosloff destroyed Billy Shaw for the Star in the Bank briefcase, where he can choose to come out and try his luck against the Shooting Star Champion at any show, or wherever a referee is present really. Will he overlook Dackle and try to cash in on the winner of the Stetson/Barratt match? Or will he save it, and wait? Rieter's golden boy cannot fail surely! Dackle had his debut match with Dylan Black all lined up, but blew a fuse it seems. He got himself disqualified. Will he be able to turn it around? How will he react? Where is his mind?
Note: Glass Chandelier match. A glass chandelier will be suspended above the ring. You have to climb a ladder, get on the chandelier and once you are on there it can be used as a weapon. It has several small particles of glass and is very expensive looking. You must smash it over the head of your opponent and make him "wear" it. Only then can he be pinned or submitted. The Chandelier is 4 feet wide, it can fit over a man's shoulders snug like. |
Brett Stetson earned his chance weeks ago, here it finally comes. Stetson has been in several triple threats and tag matches. He gets a clean one on one shot at the reigning prestigous Shooting Star Champion...Bobby Barratt! What is going on in Barratt's head? He still has Sebastian's mask... Steele will surely be gunning for him here. Will Rieter screw with the match? Maybe! Dylan Black gets a shot at the winner on the following Spectacle!
Note: Glass Floor match! The ring's mat will be replaced with a thick 2 inch glass plate. So the entire ring will have a glass floor. This match is a singles match. DQs do apply. Just the ring's mat is made of GLASS! THICK GLASS! |
Chaos Kid earned his match fair and square. He gets his biggest match of his ICW career at CASTLE OF GLASS! Bobby Barratt also earned a spot in this match, but was fired... and Rieter is screwing him from being involved... Can one of the top faces in ICW come home with GOLD? Jack Diamond looks to defend his title yet again... can he hold on? Can Diamond become closer to ICW Hall of Fame status? Can his legacy as ICW's best live on?
Note: This is a Castle of Glass match. There will be a large glass castle 15 feet in height from bottom to top spire. The WORLD TITLE will be hung over the smaller spire, buttoned up. Someone must grab the world title, off the spire and they will become ICW World Champion! The castle is thin glass and could be broken with enough force. That is also an option. Shattering the castle outside the ring, and just grabbing the belt would also be a way to win! The castle's style is here. Just a much smaller version of it. 15 feet high, by 8 feet wide.